Dental Implants and the Recovery

We’ve all heard of the flashy cosmetic dental procedures like teeth whitening and veneers, or even the more functional procedures like dentures or bridges to give us the perfect smile. But there’s one procedure that isn’t talked about as much that falls into the realm of functional and cosmetic – dental implants. With a high surgical success rate of 95%, dental implants have been used by periodontists for decades to restore form and function to their patient’s smiles. But what is a dental implant exactly? 

Dental implants are the permanent alternative to dentures or bridges, in the form of a small metal rod that eventually fuses to your jaw bone to mimic a tooth root and offer stability to your jaw and mimic the natural jawbone tissue. There are usually four phases to getting dental implants: the consultation, the dental implant surgery where the rods are inserted, placing the abutment which is the connection between the rod and the crown, and finally, choosing and inserting the crowns. The whole process will require at least two surgeries, and several visits with your dentist. Fortunately, even with this being a somewhat invasive procedure, the recovery is usually fairly easy. 

While everyone’s recovery is different due to their own circumstances, most patients are able to return to their normal diet and routine in only a week or two after the surgery. The surgery usually only requires local anesthesia, although you can request IV sedation if you wish, and since there are no nerves in the jaw bone, the pain after the surgery is surprisingly manageable. It will however take months, possibly even a year, for the osseointegration process (where the jaw bone grows around the implants to create a solid anchor) to complete. Although the recovery process is fairly easy, there are still a few things to keep in mind during the recovery period: 

  • Take it easy and rest. 
    • Hours after the surgery, you will feel some pain and discomfort. Taking a day or two off work would be helpful in getting some needed rest, and also avoiding any strenuous activity. The more you give your mouth a chance to heal by taking it easy, the more smoothly your recovery process will go. 
  • Apply Ice and Rinse with Salt Water.
    • Applying ice packs to your jaw will help reduce swelling. We recommend 20 minutes on and then 20 minutes off. Also, rinsing with salt water will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth while also soothing your incision sites. These rinses can be performed up to 4 times a day. 
  • Watch what you eat.
    • For the first week, you should be eating soft, cool foods such as applesauce, yogurt, or lukewarm soup, and avoiding foods that are too cold, hot, chewy, or spicy. In a week or so, you can start introducing firmer foods like pasta and rice into your diet again, but hold off on the hard and crunchy foods for at least another week after that.
  • Guard the Blood Clot.
    • The clots that form in your mouth are helping to protect and heal the wounds in your mouth, so it’s very important to be very careful and not disturb them. That means no carbonated drinks, alcohol, or drinking from a straw. 
  • Avoid Smoking! 
    • Smoking can be detrimental to the healing process as nicotine restricts oxygen flow to your bones and oral tissue, which will slow the healing process. Smoking also negatively affects the osseointegration process, putting smokers at a higher risk for implant failure. 
  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene. 
    • Oral care may look a little different for everyone at this stage, but it’s important to stick to the routine your dentist sets out for you to make sure you’re keeping your mouth clean and reducing the risk of infection around the surgical site. 
  • Listen to your dentist and go to your follow-up appointments. 
    • Your dentist is here to walk you through this process every step up the way. Be sure to show up to all your post-surgery appointments so the dentist can make sure you are healing properly. 

With any surgery, there is always some anxiety, but dental implants really are nothing to fear. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions, you’ll be on your way to a healthy and full smile in no time. Dental implants are extremely durable, and with the right care, they are capable of lasting a lifetime. This is more cost-effective than getting dentures since dentures don’t prevent  bone loss and must be replaced around every 5 years. Call our office today at Simply Smiles, and we would love to explore your options for getting the smile you want through the help of dental implants! 


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