Fluoride: Myths and Facts

Ask almost anyone and most likely they have a strong opinion about fluoride. Whether they are against it or for it, the use of fluoride has been a hotly debated topic for many years. It can be found in many dental health products, along with being added to most of our everyday drinking water. We come in contact with fluoride almost every day of our lives, but how much do we really even know about it? What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that is released from rocks into the soil, water and air. While almost all water contains some level of fluoride, many states or local governments opt to add more fluoride into our drinking water to help aid in reducing cavities. This useful element has been proven to effectively prevent tooth decay by repairing the damage done to our teeth by the acid in the foods and drinks we consume through a process called remineralization. This remineralization keeps our tooth enamel healthy and strong. 

75% of a person’s fluoride intake is through water and processed beverages, and it’s very similar to how vitamins and minerals are added to certain foods and drinks to ensure we are getting all the nutrients we need. The average recommendation of fluoride to be added to water is .7 milligrams per liter of water, and this small amount helps to save many of us from the pain and suffering associated with tooth decay. It seems such a small amount to wield such positive results. 

Yet, there are still many that oppose the fluoridation of our water. With so many benefits of fluoride, it’s hard to imagine anyone could be against the use of it. If you are someone who is on the fence about the use of fluoride to promote dental health, here are some common myths and facts for you to consider that may change your mind: 

Myth: Those who drink fluoride will develop fluorosis. 

Fact: Fluorosis occurs when someone consumes extremely high levels of fluoride. While there are rare cases of fluorosis occurring, the amount of fluoride added to our water is so small that it’s not at all likely to happen. 

Myth: Fluoridated water can cause cancer. 

Fact: There have been multiple scientific studies conducted around the world on the connections between water fluoridation and cancer, and none have been found. There has also no connection been found between water fluoridation and other serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, or kidney problems. The Institute of Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians both endorse the use of fluoride in water as safe. 

Myth: Other countries don’t fluoridate their water, so neither should the US. 

Fact: This is a common misconception. Australia, Europe, Latin America, and other parts of the world use fluoridation systems. Salt fluoridation is the most common method used in other countries, and some countries have even implemented community-based milk fluoridation programs. 

Myth: Fluoride is not safe for children and may increase the risk of autism. 

Fact: Even before a baby’s teeth break through their gums, exposure to fluoride benefits their teeth by giving them early doses that will strengthen their baby teeth, which make them more resistant to cavities – this is known as a systemic benefit. As their primary teeth come in, fluoride in the water, toothpaste with fluoride, and fluoride treatments at the dentist help rebuild any damage from bacteria that could cause cavities. If used properly, fluoride strengthens their teeth as they grow and helps prevent future tooth decay. In regards to autism, no studies have shown that the use of fluoride increases the risk of developing autism.

Fluoride, if utilized properly, is a miraculous element that does much good for our oral health. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has even deemed community water fluoridation one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century. We hope that dispelling some of these common myths helped put your mind at ease. There are multiple ways to benefit from fluoride other than through our water, such as fluoride treatments at your dentist, fluoride toothpastes, or fluoride rinses. Call our office today, and Simply Smiles would love to tell you all the ways fluoride can benefit your teeth, and we can set up regular fluoride treatments to help you protect your smile. 







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