Dental Care Tips for Back-To-School

Summer vacation and lazy pool days are rapidly coming to a close, and the start of school is already here or right around the corner for many families. It’s a stressful and emotional time as parents and children prepare for the semester ahead and the change in their busy schedules. In the hustle and bustle of going back-to-school shopping, making sure you check every supply off the school’s suggested shopping list, it’s easy to lose track of some things and let them fall through the cracks. Dental care is unfortunately sometimes one of those overlooked tasks that should be at the top of your list. 

While prioritizing your family’s oral care might not seem as high of a priority as notebooks and calculators during this time of the year, we would argue it’s one of the most important things to prioritize. Maintaining your family’s oral health will help your children concentrate better in school and get better grades since they won’t be in pain or missing days from developing cavities or gum disease. A recent study published in the Journal of Public Health found that out of every 100 students between the ages of 5 and 17, there were between 58 and 80 hours of school missed due to dental pain and toothaches. Additionally, their parents missed an average of 2.5 work days to take their child to their pediatric dentist. To take extra stress off your plate, we’ve come up with some helpful tips for making sure everyone’s smiles shine bright all school-year long:

  1. Get back into a dental care routine, and educate your children on good oral care habits. 

During the summer, our schedules can get a little more relaxed, but with school starting again, it will help your child settle back into their school schedule by also establishing a morning and nightly oral care routine. At home, you are the teacher, so it’s important to model good oral care for your children and motivate them to take responsibility for their own oral health. Make sure you are all brushing for at least two minutes twice a day, flossing, and brushing your tongues to remove plaque and bacteria from your mouth and prevent cavities. 

  1. Pack healthy lunches, and avoid sugary foods and drinks. Drink lots of water. 

A healthy diet is extremely important in maintaining a healthy mouth. Pack healthy snacks and lunches for your child that can include veggies, fruits, nuts, and cheese. Avoid sugary foods and drinks that can increase the amounts of harmful acids in the mouth that can wear away tooth enamel and cause cavities. If your children can’t brush after every meal at school, encourage them to drink lots of water and rinse their mouth after every time they eat to remove the food debris that can cause bad bacteria to grow. 

  1. Put together an on-the-go dental kit for each child, and discuss what to do in a dental emergency. 

Pack a fun to-go dental kit for your child to take to school. Include a toothbrush, mini toothpaste, and some floss. Encourage them to brush after eating if they are able. Dental emergencies happen all the time, especially with children. Discuss with them the proper ways to handle a cracked or broken tooth, and make sure you know who to call for help in these situations. 

  1. Invest in a mouth guard for kids involved in sports. 

For your sporty kids, it’s a good idea to invest in a mouth guard to protect their teeth. Your dentist can take a mold to create one specifically fitted to your child. 

  1. Update your kids oral supplies. 

You’re already going to be out shopping for school supplies, so why not add new oral supplies to your list? Make it a fun activity by letting your children pick fun colors for their toothbrush and fun flavors for their toothpaste, just make sure they are ADA approved.

  1. Schedule routine dental check-ups. 

While you’re getting into all your other routines, now would be a good time to set up regular dental check-ups for your family. Having your dental check-ups coincide with your back-to-school schedule will help you keep your family’s smiles at the top of your priority list each year. This would also be a good time to get some preventative treatments such as fluoride treatments or sealants. 

We hope these tips help you and your family feel empowered to make oral care a big part of your back-to-school routine. Call our office today, and our incredible team at Simply Smiles would love to help you prioritize your dental health so that your children can have a successful school year, free of cavities and dental issues. Picture day will be all the more exciting with the perfect smile, and we’d love nothing more than the privilege of caring for your family’s oral health.


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