Dental Care Tips for Back-To-School

Summer vacation and lazy pool days are rapidly coming to a close, and the start of school is already here or right around the corner for many families. It’s a stressful and emotional time as parents and children prepare for the semester ahead and t...

Tips for Promoting Good Breath

There are few things more embarrassing than having bad breath. It can ruin a first kiss, an interview, or generally any first impression. Sometimes it’s the temporary result of eating pungent foods such as onions or garlic, but for many, it can be ...

Caring For Your Clear Teeth Aligners

If you ask most people what they want out of their smile, straight teeth are likely to be at the top of the list. There are many paths to straight teeth, and clear teeth aligners are an increasingly popular orthodontic treatment option that offers a ...

Overcoming Your Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is something many people experience, but not a lot of people want to talk about. You might think it mostly affects children or those who have a history of serious dental issues, but a worldwide study found that 61% of the respondents s...

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