How to Prevent Cavities – Simply Smiles’ Best Tips and Tricks

Chances are, you have a filling in your mouth right now, or you might possibly have an untreated cavity. Tooth decay, commonly referred to as having a cavity, is one of the most prevalent health concerns across the world. The CDC reports that in adults aged 20 and older, almost 90% have had at least one cavity, and more than half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 have had a cavity in their permanent teeth. Cavities can not only be painful, but they also become serious if left untreated.

The World Health Organization reports that “dental caries [cavities] result when plaque forms on the surface of a tooth and converts the free sugars (sugars added to foods, plus sugars naturally present) into acids that destroy the tooth over time.” The effects of cavities can range from pain and discomfort to tooth loss and dangerous infection. Cavities may be common, but there are several easy ways to help prevent them. Here are our top five best tips and tricks that you can implement into your daily dental care to help prevent cavities:

  1. Brush and Floss your teeth – every day!
    • Brushing twice daily will help fight and remove the plaque and bacteria that form on you teeth. Brushing at night is especially important for removing the acid-forming bacteria that will sit on your teeth all night and harm your enamel. Brushing with baking soda can aid in neutralizing the acid in your mouth, with an added bonus of being a natural tooth whitener! Flossing once a day will also help your gum health, and using antimicrobial mouthwash can clean away bacteria and freshen your breath.
  2. Fluoride
    • Fluoride makes teeth stronger by strengthening tooth enamel and root surfaces of teeth. It can be found in most toothpastes and even in some tap water, and you can even get fluoride varnish treatments from your dentist. At Simply Smiles, we can provide you with these fluoride varnish treatments multiple times over the year to make sure your teeth are strong and protected. Ask us about this treatment at your next visit!
  3. Xylitol
    • Xylitol is a sweetener alternative to sugar that also helps stimulate saliva and inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It is most often found in gum or candy. 5 grams a day is an ideal amount to consume to help prevent the formation of cavities.
  4. Quit Smoking
    • Smoking and oral tobacco can do a lot more than stain your teeth; these habits can cause serious damage to your oral health. Smoking and dipping can lead to gum disease, tooth loss, and even oral cancer.
  5. Cut back on sugary and acidic drinks
    • Drinking acidic drinks, such as tea, coffee, sodas, that are compounded with additives like sugar or milk can increase your risk for cavities. These sugars remain in your saliva for a long while after, prolonging the exposure of these harmful additives on your teeth. Drinking water is the best way to avoid this, but if you do want to enjoy these drinks, try to keep it under 20 minutes and rinse your mouth out with water after. Drinking from a straw can also lessen the amount of sugar your teeth are exposed to.

Unfortunately, cavities are extremely common, but there are ways they can be prevented and avoided. However, even with the best preventative care, you are likely to develop at least one cavity in your lifetime due to the daily wear and tear on your teeth. If you are in any pain or suspect you have a cavity, please call us to schedule an appointment– the earlier the better. At Simply Smiles, we are here to serve you and strengthen your smile with each visit.


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