Why Choose SureSmile Aligners?

When it comes to teeth straightening methods, traditional metal braces often come to mind. Thankfully, there are now other options available for those who may want to keep their journey to a straight smile all to themselves. One of these options is SureSmile Aligners, a clear aligner system designed to straighten teeth without the need for metal wires and brackets. Still not sure if SureSmile Aligners are right for you? Let’s explore a little more: 

What exactly are SureSmile Aligners?

SureSmile Aligners are clear aligners that are custom-made to fit each patient’s teeth. SureSmile Digital Lab experts work with proprietary software and your doctor to create a customized treatment plan. They are made of a durable, BPA-free thermoplastic material called Essix Ace plastic and are designed to gradually move the teeth into their proper position over time – for those with a mild to medium malocclusion (misaligned teeth). Unlike metal braces, SureSmile Aligners are nearly invisible, which makes them an attractive option for those who don’t wish to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment.

What are the steps in the SureSmile Journey?

The SureSmile journey begins with a consultation with a certified SureSmile provider. During the consultation, the patient’s teeth will be evaluated to determine if SureSmile Aligners are a suitable treatment option. If the patient is a good candidate, the doctor will take digital scans, photographs, and x-rays of the patient’s teeth.

Using advanced 3D imaging technology, a certified SureSmile provider will create a customized treatment plan for the patient. This plan will show the exact movements that the teeth will make over time and the expected length of treatment. Once the treatment plan is finalized, the aligners will be created and sent to the doctor.

The aligners are worn for approximately 22 hours a day and are changed every two weeks. Patients will need to visit their provider periodically to ensure that their treatment is progressing as planned. The length of treatment varies depending on the severity of the patient’s dental issues, but it usually takes between six and 18 months.

What is the difference between SureSmile and Invisalign?

While SureSmile Aligners and Invisalign are both clear aligner systems, there are some differences between the two. One of the main differences is the technology used to create the aligners. SureSmile uses advanced 3D imaging technology to create a customized treatment plan for each patient, while Invisalign uses a computer program to create a generic treatment plan that is then customized for the patient.

Another difference is the length of treatment. While the length of treatment can vary depending on each patient’s specific issues, SureSmile Aligners are designed to straighten teeth faster than Invisalign, usually in 6 months compared to a year with Invisalign. SureSmile Aligners also tend to be a slightly more affordable option than Invisalign, with an average cost around $4,000. 

Why Choose SureSmile Aligners?

SureSmile Aligners offer several benefits over traditional metal braces and other clear aligner systems. Some of these benefits include:

  • Being discreet: SureSmile Aligners are nearly invisible, which makes them a great option for those who wish to go with a less-invasive treatment plan.
  • Ability to customize: SureSmile Aligners are custom-made by using a Primescan intraoral scanner combined with SureSmile technology and planning software to deliver precise results. This ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to a patient’s specific dental needs.
  • Fast Time Frame: SureSmile Aligners are designed to straighten teeth faster than other clear aligner systems, which means that patients can enjoy their new smile sooner.
  • Comfort: SureSmile Aligners are laser cut and polished. They even offer a contoured gum line for optimal comfort.

Overall, SureSmile Aligners are a great option for those who want a discreet, highly customized, and streamlined way to straighten their teeth. With advanced 3D imaging technology and a tailored treatment plan, patients can achieve their desired results with minimal discomfort and in a shorter amount of time than with other clear aligner systems. At Simply Smiles, we’ve helped many patients achieve the smile of their dreams with SureSmile Aligners. Call our office today to schedule a consultation, and we will happily assess your smile to see if SureSmile is the right fit for you! 







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