The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry: Beyond Aesthetics

It’s human nature to want to look our best. Sometimes, we may need a little professional help to achieve the look we want.. Cosmetic procedures have been around for a long time, and they continue to grow in popularity and efficacy. When we think of ways to enhance our appearances, oftentimes we first think of our smiles, specifically our teeth. 

According to the current studies conducted, the global Cosmetic Dentistry Market was valued at $18.79 Billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $32.73 Billion by year 2026. Clearly this is a growing field, and the demand for cosmetic dentistry continues to rise. Yet, while we mainly think of aesthetics when discussing cosmetic procedures, it may just be the increased confidence and quality of life that patients receive from them that are the true measures of success. Here are some other facets of cosmetic dentistry you may not have considered: 

  • Your self-esteem will grow and you will smile more, with confidence.
    When you’re worried about the appearance of decayed, damaged, or stained teeth and how others may perceive you, your confidence is going to take a hit. Some simple cosmetic changes to your teeth can give you the boost you need to truly feel good about yourself. Studies have shown that people who smile more report higher levels of happiness and longer lifespans.
  • Your social life may improve. 
    With a confident smile, others are more likely to see you as friendly and approachable. Your increased confidence can help you successfully navigate social situations. Employers have also been shown to hire and promote those who have a great smile. 
  • This step may promote other positive changes in your life. 
    Often, when you begin to feel more confident in one area of your life, this becomes a catalyst for you to make other changes. It’s not uncommon for cosmetic dentists to see their patients come back with new clothes, a new haircut, or a new and positive outlook on life where they feel more motivated to take bigger steps to improve their lives. 
  • You may experience better overall health.
    Usually, if your teeth need some cosmetic work, they are also in need of some medical help. Teeth that have undergone a treatment are going to be healthier, and people are generally motivated to keep them looking great after these procedures. 
  • You could eliminate pain and gain back quality of life. 
    If your teeth are crooked and misaligned, they could be causing you pain or discomfort while biting or chewing. Headaches and tension can also result from misalignment. Undergoing cosmetic procedures to correct your bite can give you back your quality of life. 

You may be wondering what are the cosmetic procedures that you could benefit from? Here are a few of the most common procedures patients undergo: 

Teeth Whitening
At Simply Smiles, we offer chair-side bleaching where our expert staff will apply a protective shield on your gums and apply bleach to your teeth that will activate with no UV light necessary. 

Invisible Braces
Braces are not just for aesthetics – they are also for helping straighten your teeth to correct misalignment that can cause the wearing of your teeth and chronic pain, like headaches. 

Dental Veneers / Lumineers
Veneers are ideal for people who have crooked, chipped, or gappy teeth, or for people who have dark stains that can’t be lightened. 

Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are porcelain caps that fit over decayed or damaged teeth to restore their shape, size, strength, and appearance. 

If you’re ready to regain your confidence through cosmetic dentistry, Simply Smiles would love to be your dentist of choice. We are one of Pinecrest’s top cosmetic dentists, and we are here to help you achieve the quality of life you deserve. Call our office today to schedule a consultation with our expert team so we can help you choose the treatment plan that’s best for you and give you something to smile about!


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