Debunking Myths Surrounding Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic procedures have always been met with polarizing views and sometimes even carry negative connotations. Cosmetic dentistry is no different. Many people may view this as superficial or a privilege that only the affluent can afford. Yet, how many of us can say we are truly satisfied with our smile? 

Did you know that 32% of people say they’re “concerned by the look of their teeth”? Some people live in pain or discomfort due to something slightly off with their smile or bite that a cosmetic procedure could easily fix. Yet, many people will avoid even considering having cosmetic dental work done because of the way it may be negatively perceived or because they think it’s unattainable for them. We are here to debunk some of the common misconceptions surrounding cosmetic dentistry and show how these treatments can actually be highly beneficial, more affordable than you think, and even potentially life changing.

Myth #1: The procedures are purely for cosmetic reasons. 

While the term cosmetic dentistry suggests with its very name that its only focus is on the appearance of your teeth, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Many times, these cosmetic treatments work in tandem to not only improve the appearance of your smile, but to also protect your teeth and give you better oral health at the same time! Veneers can improve the look of your smile while also protecting against enamel erosion and sensitivities to certain foods or extreme temperatures. Crowns can protect broken and chipped teeth, and straightening your smile can help you brush, floss, speak, and chew better and possibly help heal temporo mandibular joint (TMJ) problems.

Myth #2: Cosmetic dentistry can damage your teeth.

This is one of the most important myths to dispel about cosmetic dentistry. We’ve established that cosmetic procedures can actually help with your dental health in many cases. As dentists, our number one priority is the health of your smile, and so we would never consider doing any cosmetic procedure that could compromise your oral health. It’s important to consult with your dentists about any cosmetic procedure you are considering so they can give their expert opinion on what would be best for your individual smile. 

Myth #3: Cosmetic dentistry is painful.

Dental work is often unfortunately associated with pain, and this causes anxiety in a lot of patients. However, technology and techniques have improved tremendously in recent years to minimize any potential pain. Lasers have more precision and reduce damage to surrounding tissue, resulting in less pain and shorter recovery times. Local anesthesia or sedation can be used for procedures that may result in some discomfort, and any post-procedure pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication or prescribed medication from your dentist.

Myth #4: It’s too expensive. 

Due to its popularity in Hollywood and its prevalence in pop culture, cosmetic dentistry may seem too expensive and unattainable for the everyday person. While there are a wide variety of cosmetic procedures, some which truthfully can be extremely expensive, most are not as pricey as you may think. If a cosmetic procedure is restorative in nature, many insurance companies will cover these.  Advanced technologies and materials have made cosmetic dentistry a lot more affordable than before. If you need a procedure that’s still a little outside your budget, many dental offices offer financing or payment plans to help make the cost more manageable. 

Myth #5: The results will look fake or make me look different. 

While this may have been true years ago, cosmetic dentistry has evolved to produce innovative and sophisticated results that look flawlessly natural. You can keep your unique smile just the way you want, while improving the areas you don’t love. You can choose exactly how you want your smile to look, right down to the shade. The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to help patients achieve the beautiful and healthy smile of their dreams, while also keeping it unique to the individual. 

Have any of these myths kept you from pursuing the smile you really want? We hope this helped to alleviate some of your doubts and fears regarding cosmetic dentistry. Call our office today, and our team at Simply Smiles would love to discuss what cosmetic procedure may best benefit your smile!


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