Inspiring Your Kids to Better Oral Health

Childhood is a wonderful time full of imagination and excitement over learning new things. It’s also an impressionable time where we can make lots of mistakes, especially if we don’t have the right guidance. Making mistakes with our oral health is all too easy. Dental disease is, unfortunately, the most common chronic illness that children suffer from in the United States. The CDC reports that over half of children aged 6 to 8 have had at least one cavity in their primary (baby) teeth. Reports from the Office of the Surgeon General state that over 51 million hours of school are being lost due to dental-related conditions. 

As adults, years and years of nightly bedtime routines of washing our faces and brushing our teeth create habits that become ingrained into us. While these rituals are often not something we look forward to, we reach for our toothbrushes every morning and night like clockwork, hardly even thinking about what we are doing. Have you stopped to think that there are those who are aware of these mindless routines and are watching our every move? There are little eyes observing our habits while their minds absorb our actions in order to mimic us. 

We talked recently about how oral health can affect our overall health, and so we begin to realize the importance of these daily oral habits. We forget we were children once and that learning how to take care of our teeth was fun and exciting at one time in our lives. At some point we threw out our cartoon character toothbrushes and sparkly toothpaste in favor of adult brushes with more sensible colors and pastes with less exotic flavors, and we lost the wonder and magic of learning new things. Children look to us for guidance. It’s time we bring out our inner child again and find fun, relatable ways to educate our children on the importance of oral health, and help set them up for success in their overall health as well. 

Here are our 5 tips for inspiring the kids in your life to better oral health: 

  1. Show and Tell:

Observation is one of the earliest and most impactful ways a child learns and forms habits early in life. By regularly brushing and flossing yourself, you are setting a great example for the children in your life to follow. Encourage them to copy your techniques and explain to them in terms they can understand why brushing and flossing is so important. 

  1. Let the child choose their toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss:

Letting children choose their own toothbrushes, toothpastes and floss allows them to have a sense of ownership and initiative in their oral health. With so many fun toothbrushes and flavorful toothpastes to choose from, taking them to the store with you to make their selection can be a fun experience for both of you (just make sure they pick a brush with an ADA seal of acceptance). 

  1. Use technology:

Our children are growing up in the digital age, and so it makes sense to incorporate technology into their oral health routine. There are many wonderful free apps such as BrushDJ that track brushing over two minutes and play fun music while showing their progress. Introducing children to electric toothbrushes is fun and exciting for them, along with being 21% more effective at removing plaque than a regular brush. 

  1. Inspire imaginative play and create games:

Encourage children in make-believe play, such as playing doctor or dentist, and give them a doll to practice brushing on. Make toothbrushing a game or an event. Read a funny story for two minutes while they brush, crank up the music and have a brushing dance party, or make it a family affair by all brushing and flossing together. 

  1. Set up a reward system:

Research has found that children respond more to positive reinforcement rather than negative feedback. Find what motivates the child, whether it be telling them you are proud, setting up a sticker chart, or letting them have an extra bedtime story, and implement it every time they successfully brush and floss. This positive reinforcement will help cement these routines into consistent habits for life. 

Teaching good brushing and flossing habits to the children in your life doesn’t have to be a daunting task. There are so many ways to have fun with it, and the positive impact it will have on their whole life is immeasurable. One of the best ways you can help set children up for success is by scheduling them for regular dental visits as soon as they get their first tooth. Simply Smiles is one of Pinecrest’s top pediatric dentists, and we would love to help you and your child discover the joy of a healthy mouth. Call our office to schedule an appointment today!


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