How Teeth Grinding Can Affect Your Oral Health

Teeth grinding is a threat to oral health that we don’t often consider. Bruxism, or the act of grinding, gnashing, or clenching teeth, is a fairly common issue many people face. This grinding or clenching can happen during the day, but it can also occur during your sleep, which is a big reason why so many people don’t realize they are doing it. Bruxism is a condition that affects around one-third of adults in the daytime, and more than 1 in 10 during their sleep.

Teeth grinding can affect any age group, but children, adolescents, and young adults tend to be more susceptible, and it’s estimated 15% of adolescents struggle with sleep bruxism. Teeth grinding or clenching during the day is often an involuntary reaction to nervous tension, such as anger, stress, anxiety, or frustration. During sleep, bruxism can be triggered by hyperactivity, sleep apnea, or acid reflux. Smoking and consuming alcohol and other drugs can also lead to increased chances of experiencing bruxism.

Did you know that a person grinding their teeth can exert up to 250 pounds of pure force? Bruxism is not a condition to take lightly. Luckily, there is often clear evidence that allows dentists to diagnose and treat bruxism. Hopefully, if you are experiencing teeth grinding during the day, you are aware and are discussing this with your dentist, but how do you know if you are grinding your teeth in your sleep? Here are some common signs that you may be dealing with sleep bruxism, along with their adverse effects:

  • Facial, jaw, and neck pain or stiffness.
    • Grinding or clenching your teeth can negatively affect the muscles and joints in your jaw and possibly lead to jaw disorders that can affect your ability to chew, bite or even talk. It can even cause severe pain in your face, neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Sleep disruption.
    • Episodes of teeth grinding during your sleep can wake you and your partner, leading to interrupted nights of sleep for the both of you. 
  • Headaches.
    • Bruxism can lead to migraines and tension headaches from the constant pressure and stress put on your face and jaw muscles. 
  • Tooth damage. 
    • Tooth damage is one of the most common side effects of teeth grinding. Grinding can lead to cracks or chips in your teeth, the wearing of your tooth enamel which can increase tooth sensitivity, and it can even damage fillings, crowns or other dental work you have.
  • Gum recession.
    • Grinding your teeth causes your teeth to shift, allowing pockets to form in your gums where bacteria grows. Your gums then become infected which causes your gum tissue to pull away.

Bruxism is a serious condition that you should discuss with your dentist as soon as you suspect you may suffer from it. Here are some of the treatments that may be presented to you: 

  • Behavioral Changes
    • Because most teeth grinding is triggered by stress, patients will be encouraged to identify stressors in their life and address them through stress management and relaxation training. You may also be shown how to perform stretches for your jaw, neck and head, and be taught how to rest your tongue, teeth and lips properly.
  • Mouthguard
    • You may be fitted with a plastic mouthguard to wear at night, and even during the day if needed. It will protect your teeth by absorbing the force of biting, and prevent further damage to your teeth.
  • Medications
    • Muscle relaxers may be prescribed to help with your grinding. Your doctor may also prescribe an antidepressant to help with your anxiety, or they may switch you off certain types of antidepressants that could put you at risk for bruxism if you are already taking one. 

Grinding your teeth usually begins when we experience a lot of anxiety, but Simply Smiles Miami is here for you! Call our office today so we can work together on a treatment plan for your bruxism and help take one less stressor off your plate.


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