When Should My Kids Start Orthodontic Treatment?

Most ads for braces feature young children or teens laughing, their brightly colored bands matching their sunny smiles. These images make getting braces seem exciting and fun, but for anyone who has had braces before, they know it can be a daunting, and sometimes uncomfortable journey. The end result is always worth the effort put in, but for parents of children in need of braces, knowing when to start this process can feel overwhelming.

How do you know if your child even needs braces? At what age should your child start braces? What is involved in getting braces for your child? We will do our best to answer some of these questions, and to alleviate any anxiety you or your children may be experiencing in regards to this topic. 

It’s estimated that of the four million Americans who wear braces, about 75% of them are children. Getting braces is a fairly common right-of-passage for adolescents to achieve the perfect smile, but braces are not always used for aesthetic purposes. Braces can be used to correct issues that can not only affect your child’s oral health, but also their overall health and quality of life. Some common issues that braces can help with are: 

  • Trouble with chewing or biting correctly.
  • Difficulty breathing or mouth breathing.
  • Crooked, overlapping, crowding or blocked-out teeth.
  • A “bad bite” resulting in an overbite or underbite due to a difference in size of the upper and lower jaws, also known as malocclusion. 
  • Difficulty with speaking.
  • Cheek biting or biting into the roof of the mouth.
  • Teeth that fail to meet normally or have large gaps between them.
  • Protruding teeth.
  • Facial imbalance or asymmetry.

While this is not an exhaustive list, if you notice your child is struggling with any of these symptoms, it may be a good time to discuss this with their dentist. You may still be wondering at what age should your child get braces? The American Academy of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first consultation with an orthodontist no later than the age of 7. Our permanent teeth usually start coming in between the ages of 6 and 7, but it can take several years for them all to grow in, which is why it’s recommended that the braces don’t come on until around the ages of 9-13.

When it comes to your child’s teeth development, if you notice any issues early on, it’s better to address them sooner rather than later. Early intervention can help prevent a smaller issue from becoming a more serious, long-term problem if left untreated for a time. Some issues that begin when a child is young can become extremely difficult to correct once a child’s face and jaw stop growing. Early evaluations will help you to ensure that your child is on the path to a bright and healthy smile. 

If your child’s orthodontist deems your child in need of braces, keep in mind that while this treatment is very common, every child is different. On average, most people wear braces for around two years, but that time can vary depending on your child’s unique requirements. The orthodontist will lay out the options and benefits of the different types of braces, describe the procedures and what to expect with braces, and also share the overall comprehensive treatment plan they will follow to cater to your child’s needs.

Preparing to get your child into braces can seem scary and overwhelming, but Simply Smiles Miami is here to help. If you suspect your child may need braces, call our office to schedule an appointment where we can evaluate if your little one needs an orthodontist consultation. We specialize in pediatric dentistry, and we pride ourselves on recognizing how scary dental procedures can be for children. We will work with you and your child to minimize any anxiety, walk you through the next steps, and set your child up for success today and for their future. We look forward to hearing from you!







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